all things baby

solid foods project

jude is almost 5 months old and we just started solids last week.  many of my friends also had babies around the same time as we did and I would love for us to share the things that we do to learn from each other.  I would love ideas and suggestions from those who have done this before and hope it can benefit lots of us!

I want to make Jude's food myself.  Since I have no real idea how to do this, I picked up a copy of Super Baby Food at Borders. I would highly recommend this book.
We started off with Earth's Best Rice Cereal because it is organic and is whole-grain brown rice.  The first day I mixed 1 tsp. of cereal with about 2 Tbsp. of breastmilk so it was very liquidy.  The next day I doubled the amount.  A couple of days later we moved to 1 Tbsp. of dry cereal mixed with breastmilk, now we are at 2 Tbsp of dry cereal, but I add don't add much more breastmilk since he is doing well with a thicker consistency.  I am thinking about moving him to oatmeal cereal tomorrow because the rice cereal can be binding and he hasn't had a poopie diaper in 3 days.

Super Baby Food suggests beginning with avocado, banana, or sweet potatoes.  So I made my first baby food cubes by mashing ripe avocado and banana and freezing them in ice cube trays.
To start, I thawed one cube of avocado in the microwave for 20 seconds and then added some breastmilk to it to make it thinner.  He loved it and today I gave him 2 cubes and he finished it.  

So to get the conversation started, when did you start your baby on solids?  Did you start with a cereal?  If so, what kind?  And what other food did you introduce first?  Ready, set, comment!


Kitty Brown said...

Hey Ginger! We're a *touch* behind you guys (the twins were 4 months on 7/4, but adjusted age only 2 months) but plan on making their food when we get there. Excited to see how/what you guys do! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

greg and ginger o'brien said...

Hi Kitty! So fun to hear from you! Congratulations on your twins! I'd love to see pictures. Let me know when you decide to start solids. Hope you are doing well.

liz said...

It seems like a long time ago we did this with Anne! We started with Gerber rice cereal. Your idea of the brown rice cereal sounds great though! Then we did bananas I think. We didn't start till she was 5 and a half months old - I was a bit lazy and it is quite a mess and project! Hehe ... this is a fun blog idea!

Kitty Brown said...

Let me know your best email and I will send you an invite to our blog - trust me, there are definitely twin pictures there!