Tuesday, February 22, 2011

jude's first birthday!

jude turned ONE on Saturday (Feb. 12th).  It is so hard to believe that we brought him home from the hospital one year ago today - on valentine's day - weighing a little over 7 pounds.  now, he is a chunky monkey crawling all over our house and calling us da-da and bah-bah (i'm pretending this means mama but said like he has a cold). 

It was such a joy to celebrate his birth with so many of our good friends who have been a big part of his first year of life.  These people will always have a really important part in my heart as they have been such a blessing to our family during such a memorable time of life.  I am so grateful for each of them and the ways that they encourage and bless us. 

Since his birthday was on a Saturday, we had a brunch at our place.  Greg was super excited about Jude having his first taste of something sweet, but to his dismay, Jude would have nothing to do with the "nasty" cupcake we placed in front of him.  He literally turned his nose up to make snorting noises, turned his head and shoved the cupcake to the edge of his tray and would not touch it.  We tried really hard to get him to try the icing and the cake both, but to no avail.  How can he possibly be my child and not like dessert??  It's part of my daily routine - following dinner, before activity or sleep - dessert.  But understandably, who would need icing and chocolate cake when you can have kale, tofu, and pureed fruit put into your mouth for you with no effort, right??  I'm sure I would be much healthier if I could just make myself eat Jude's food.

Here are a couple of pictures from the day.

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