Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Greg's Ordination Service

Jude is so proud of his daddy.
This past Sunday was a really special day for us.  After almost 5 years of seminary training and all that happened in-between (marriage, a baby, and 3 degrees later), Greg's call was affirmed by the Southern New England Presbytery and this past Sunday, he was ordained as a minister of the Presbyterian Church of America.  It was an exciting day - to see God's call on Greg's life affirmed by so many, but also a weighty day as Greg understands that this is not a title or an achievement, but an immense amount of responsibility given to him by the Lord.  He has definitely felt the weightiness of this over the past week.  But we are also celebrating this mile-marker: marking the end of seminary and training and affirmation of our call, and also marking the beginning of the path for which we have been preparing so long.  We are so thankful for all those who have supported and encouraged us through the past 5 years of seminary.  God used so many of you in such significant ways in our lives - you will always be part of the story we tell of how God provided for us while both of us were in seminary.  Thank you.

Unfortunately, the service was on Mother's Day, so many of our friends were not able to make it.  And family, of course, lives very far away.  So I wanted to video the ordination part of the service so that many of you could feel a part of it and see what it is about.  Dr. Lints, our dear friend and professor from Gordon-Conwell who is also one of our pastors at CityLife, led the ordination time. 
Here is the video of the ordination (about 18 minutes) and the second video is Greg giving his first benediction at the end of the service (about 30 seconds).

1 comment:

RBK said...

just catching up... sorry we missed it! i didn't even realize! congratulations to Greg. we'll have to get together again soon. -b