Friday, July 2, 2010

Father's Day

This was Greg's first Father's Day, and unfortunately, he had to be in NYC and didn't get home until around 8pm that night.  So I took Jude to church that morning and spent most of the day telling him what an amazing daddy he has and how blessed we both were to have Greg.  And I made Greg his favorite lemon coconut cookies and potatoes and we went to our good friends, the Arnoults, house for a late dinner to celebrate Father's Day.  These are some sweet moments Greg had with Jude when he got home before Jude went to bed.

I really can't imagine a better husband and father than Greg.  He is such a hands-on dad.... has been from the very beginning.  He took care of Jude the entire time we were in the hospital after he was born (except for nursing :)) as I had a difficult recovery and couldn't get up.  So when we got home from the hospital, I felt like Greg could do everything better.  He just so naturally stepped into his role as a father.  And he excels at it.  I am so grateful for a husband who loves our son so much, cares for him so well, and loves me so well.

Happy Father's Day (a couple of weeks late) to our fathers as well.  We understand all the more now what an important role a father has.  We love each of you!

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