Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My little helper

So we like to start 'em early around here doing chores. :)  Greg always said he couldn't wait until Jude was older so when I said, "Greg, can you take out the trash?", he could turn to Jude and say, "Son, can you take out the trash?"  :)  Funny thing is, Jude has had a fascination with the swiffer broom for as long as he has been mobile.  He would follow me as I swept, holding on to the bottom of the broom.  Now that he's walking, he loves any chance he can find the swiffer out and available.  Maybe I should make this a video to sell called, "You, too, can teach your 14-month old to sweep your house."

He also loves to pull clothes out of the laundry basket, piece by piece, hurling them over his shoulder without even looking.  Unfortunately, he also likes to do this with the clean clothes that I take out of the dryer and put on the couch to fold.  I've given up fighting that battle.  So now, he throws each piece off the couch as I fold, and once he's done, he picks each piece back up, putting it on the couch, so that he can again hurl each piece over his shoulder across the room.  Here is Jude "re-sorting" my laundry piles for me.

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