Sunday, July 10, 2011

Family Reunion in Charleston, SC - June 18-25

my entire family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) gets together every 2 years for a reunion/vacation.  this might have been the craziest year yet since we keeping adding little ones to the mix.  there were 26 of us there... in one big house on the beach.  it was an awesome trip.  i love being with my family and it's such a gift to get together every 2 years since we are spread out everywhere - new hampshire, boston, chicago, st. louis, alabama, and florida.  we had a great time seeing charleston, playing on the beach, riding bikes on the beach, lots of walks, games and eating together.  i'm still waiting to process my film from the trip, but here are some digital shots:
Father's Day

He really wanted to ride in the cooler while grammy pulled him around outside :)

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