Sunday, August 29, 2010

our third wedding anniversary

a lot of life has happened in the last three years - we got married and moved up to Gordon-Conwell together two days after our honeymoon.  We made it through 3 years of seminary (4 total for greg) with both of us being students and God providing in amazing ways to sustain us for those years - each month providing exactly what we needed.  We had our first child.  And we are now in our second home together and preparing to move overseas.

i have grown to love my husband more than i ever expected.  some people have asked me when i knew that i wanted to marry greg and my answer has consistently been: "the day i married him."  i was so fearful, so unsure because my expectations for a husband neared perfection.  yet that day - that gloriously sunny 80degree cloudless blue sky august 5th day in Austin, Texas - God knit my heart together with Greg O'Brien's.  and though our marriage is not perfect, i think i married the most wonderful man on the earth.  i cannot imagine a better husband, friend, partner, challenger, leader and protector. he knows me much better than i know myself, is not afraid to speak truth into my life, and loves me without reserve.  i am so grateful for marriage - for in it, God has shown me more of Himself, revealed more sin in myself, and deepened my love for Christ.  

and while a lot of life has gone by since that picture on august 5th - lots of joys and blessings and wonderful moments, but also many difficulties, sadness, tragedy, and pain - life is even richer and deeper than it was three years ago.  And by the grace of God, here's to many more!
August 5th, 2010
We took wine and a blanket and Jude to the beach for a late-afternoon start to the celebration.

Then we went to The Black Cow for appetizer and drink:

Then we put Jude down for bed at our great friends, The Arnoults' apartment while we went to dinner at Finz in Salem.

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