Wednesday, November 10, 2010

joys and strife

It has been a busy and hard past month. Some of you know that my knee started swelling about 5 weeks ago and got to the point where I lost all range of motion. So I started out going to my primary care doctor and, over the past month, have gone to many different doctors and had several tests run. I had an MRI done yesterday and go back to the orthopedist tomorrow for him to read it. We're hoping something shows up on the MRI - otherwise, we are going to be going to a rhumatologist next. Also, my back pain flared back up a couple of months ago and so I saw a different orthopedic surgeon, had additional xrays done and now am in PT for my back...with limitations due to my knee! :) So, needless to say, it's been a bit time consuming having about 4 appts a week and dealing with the pain and inconvenience of limping. On top of these things, our car broke down, my computer fried, and Greg lost one of his jobs (because of the car break down) - all in the same week. God graciously reminded me of how fragile life is and is helping me keep things in perspective. God never fails to provide for us and to care for us. It was a good reminder to me of how very needy I am of Him.

But in the midst of lots of difficulties, there have been great joys. These are some of my favorite moments from the past month and things for which I am very grateful.

1.  A healthy baby boy.  Remember when we used to be concerned about his weight gain???  Well, not anymore! Look at that chunk-a-monk!

2. Having some of my family nearby in New Hampshire.  They have really been such a gift and support to us while we've lived up here.  This is my first time to live within such a short driving distance of family and I am so grateful for them!  This is celebrating Greg's birthday at my Uncle Mike and Aunt Liz's house while my cousin, Dawn's, little girls helped blow out the candles.  (Jude just watched.)

3.  The leaves.  The changing colors and fall leaves make me so happy.  They have a super nostalgic effect on me each year, reminding me of the cyclical nature of life.  (Jude is eating a leaf below - don't worry, I didn't let him swallow it.)

4.  Our wonderful friends, the Arnoults, who are like family to us here.  Their little boys, Jacks and Paden, love Jude.  And Jude adores them.  
Jacks gives Jude a kiss
 Paden and Jude take a bath together

5.  Our dear friends, the Lehtinens, who just had a baby.  They stayed with Jude one night this month so that Greg and I could go out and celebrate our birthdays together.  

6.  My amazing mother-in-law, Cindy, who was here for 2 weeks this month and made it possible for me to go to all these doctors appointments, PT, etc while she stayed with Jude while Greg worked or studied.  She is such a gift to me - she treated us like royalty and babysit so Greg and I could spend time together and so I could get out and have some alone time.  I realize now that when you become a mother, you sometimes forget to take care of yourself because you are so busy caring for everyone else (I forget basic things like going to the bathroom until I almost can't hold it anymore :)) - and so it was SO comforting to have a mother here to "mother" and care for me.  She could not have come at a more perfect time.  Thank you, Cindy!!

7.  My amazing little baby boy, Jude, who reminds me daily of how quickly life passes and how I want to treasure each moment.  He makes me laugh when I am sad.  When he buries his face in my chest and wraps his arms around me tight - I want to bottle these moments while he is so small and remember his smell, his skin (& rolls), his coos.  I want more than anything for him to know Jesus and to live in the rich love of Christ all his days.  

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