Monday, July 25, 2011

Language Acquisition Training

this past week, we were in class from 9-5pm every day for language acquisition training.  since all of us here are going to different countries all over the world, i was very skeptical about how a general language acquisition training could benefit us more than the time spent to work on our language specifically. 

i was very wrong.  this was one of the most helpful weeks we've had in our preparation and training.  i can't tell you how excited it got greg and i both about starting our language study again, but also gave us very concrete tools, strategies and ideas to approach our language studies in the most efficient and beneficial way possible. 

the large group broke up into 4 groups - each one practicing the tools that had been presented in class all week to learning one of four languages:  Korean, Japanese, Arabic and Portugese.  My group learned Korean.  I can't say that my Korean is very good after 2 days of studying it, but I feel much more confident and excited about going back to language school!  Very thankful for this past week.


Josh Harper said...

Any particularly helpful tips or insights? Or books?

Unknown said...

proud of you two! stick with it because language acquisition rarely provides benefits over the short-term but pays off big time in the long-run. I'm missing out because i slacked off for a couple years... add oil!!